Sleep Easy

This podcast is all about the benefits of getting your best sleep & how you can achieve it in your own unique way. Harnessing the gifts of quality, optimised sleep is the most important priority you could have, in my opinion. These are my opinions based on the latest research as part of my PhD studies into insomnia and sleep research, and knowledge from ancient traditions, and is not meant to replace medical advice. Always do your own research and update yourself with the latest and with what matches your lifestyle. This podcast is about giving you inspired options and increased awareness about your sleep health. Sabine Christelli Sleep Easy has been curated for The Reef House Adults Retreat Palm Cove Queensland | and Sequoia Lodge Adelaide Hills South Australia |

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Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

A SIMPLE Guide To Help You Assess Your Sleep
Are you getting enough sleep to feel rested and energized? Assessing your sleep is an integral part of maintaining good health and well-being.
Cultivating awareness around your sleep is very helpful in identifying ways for you to get the best possible sleep, which translates to the best possible life.
Unfortunately, many people don’t like to assess their sleep. This could be because they are unaware of the importance of understanding their sleeping patterns, or they don’t know how to assess their sleep. The lack of knowledge and understanding about sleep can prevent people from taking the necessary steps to improve their sleeping habits.
In this episode, Sabine Christelli shares a questionnaire to help you assess your sleep and explains how to interpret the scores from the questionnaire.
Tune in!
Timestamps for the key highlights in the episode:
[00:02] Intro[01:15] What’s in for you in today’s episode; Assessing your sleep[01:50] Questionnaire to help you assess your sleep[03:55] How to interpret the scores from the questionnaire[00:00] Episode wrap-up and call to action
Notable Quotes● “Cultivating awareness around your sleep is very helpful in identifying ways for you to get your best possible sleep which equals to your best possible life.” [04:45]
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Resources Mentioned● Night School: The Life-Changing Science of Sleep by Richard Wiseman:
Let’s Connect!Follow Sabine Christelli on her;● Website:● Twitter:● Instagram:● Facebook:● YouTube:●

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023

True, False or Somewhere in Between?
Busting 9 Common Sleep Myths
Sleep myths can have a significant impact on our sleep quality. From the idea that sleep is for weak people and productive people spend less time in bed to the notion that you can “catch up” on sleep, these myths can affect our sleeping habits and cause us to suffer from poor sleep quality. But are these beliefs true or false?
It is important to understand the truth behind these common myths in order to ensure that we get quality sleep and enjoy all its benefits. In this fantastic episode, Sabine Christelli debunks some of the most common sleep myths to help you get the best quality sleep possible.
Timestamps for the key highlights in the episode:
[01:08] Today’s focus; Sleep Myth-busters[01:40] Most common myths about sleep adapted from Night School by RichardWiseman[03:50] Myth #1 Sleep is for weak people, and productive people spend less time in bed
[04:38] Myth #2 Lazy people nap[05:52] Myth #3 You can learn and function well even on less sleep[07:04] Myth #4 When you sleep, your brain switches off[07:41] Myth #5 Snoring may be annoying or pesky, but it doesn’t cause any harm[08:45] Myth #6 A bit of alcohol can help you fall asleep and has no side effects[09:42] Myth #7 You are aware when you’re getting sleepy[10:57] Myth #8 Dreams are useless[11:32] Myth #9 You can always catch up on sleep later[14:26] Ending the show and call to actionNotable Quotes● “Spending the right time in bed makes you more effective, productive andenjoy life more.” [04:30]● “Being aware of when napping is beneficial is a healthy life skill for optimal thriving.” [04:52]● “The less we sleep, the more we feel confused, the more we are easilydistracted, and our memory consolidation is significantly impaired.”[06:33]● “Unfortunately, sleep doesn’t work like a normal bank account whereby as long as the hours are balanced, the body is balanced. The most restorative sleep tends to be at night when we align with the day & night cycles and are harmonizing with our circadian rhythms.” [11:38]● “Catching up on sleep during the day is better than nothing, but it is not aquick fix or a recuperation on a deepest level.” [12:16]
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Resources Mentioned● Night School by Richard Wiseman:’s Connect!Follow Sabine Christelli on her:● Website:● Twitter:● Instagram:● Facebook:● YouTube:●

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023

Sleep onset, or difficulty initiating sleep, is one of the most common sleep-relatedproblems faced by people today. At times when we go to bed, our minds may stillbe racing with thoughts or worries that make it hard to relax and drift off to sleep.This makes it hard to feel well-rested and energized during the day.One of the effective strategies for helping your body adjust to a healthy sleeproutine is to “fake it till you make it.” Applying the “fake it till you make it” idea to thesleep mechanism means that if you act like you are already sleepy, your body willeventually follow suit and naturally fall asleep. Our neurobiology is linked to certainfacial expressions, actions, and thoughts. And whether it is just pretense or realmakes no difference.
Join the conversation with your host Sabine Christelli as she explains how to applythe “fake it till you make it” idea to the mechanism of sleep. Additionally, she sharesthe tricks you can apply to take off the pressure of the need to fall asleep and givestips to help you with sleep onset & sleep maintenance.
Tune in!
Timestamps for the key highlights in the episode[00:02] Introduction to the show[00:55] Today’s theme; Fake it till you make it for better sleep[01:45] How to apply the “fake it till you make it” idea to the mechanism of sleep[02:42] Tricks you can apply to take off the pressure of the need to fall asleep[04:28] Tips to help you with sleep onset and sleep maintenance[06:44] Episode wrap-upNotable Quotes● “Our neurobiology is linked to certain facial expressions, actions, and eventhoughts. And whether it is just pretense or real makes very little difference.”[01:06]
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Let’s Connect!Follow Sabine Christelli on her:
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Suggested clips for promotional purposes● [00:59] - [01:19]
Title options:● Fake It till You Make It for Better Sleep

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023

4 Reasons Why You Wake Up in The Middle of the Night (And The Possible Remedies)
Waking up in the middle of the night can be a frustrating experience, especially if it happens frequently. By understanding the reasons why you wake up in the middle of the night and how to fix them, you can achieve a greater degree of rest and reduce your chances of waking up during the night.
Today, Sabine Christelli discusses some common causes of middle-of-the-night awakenings and provides possible remedies. Moreover, she shares tips on how to get back to sleep faster and more comfortably.
Let’s tap into some of her wisdom.
Timestamps for the key highlights in the episode
[00:02] Episode intro
[00:56] Reasons why you might wake up at night and the possible remedies
[01:15] #1 You need to go to the bathroom
[02:06] #2 Low or elevated body temperature
[03:17] #3 Anxiety and stress
[05:13] #4 Your personality and health
Notable Quotes
“It can be very helpful to journal before bed. It’s like an emptying out so that you sleep with a greater degree of rest.” [04:03]
                           Love the show? Subscribe, Rate, Review, Like, and Share!
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Title options:
4 Reasons Why You Might Wake Up at Night and The Possible Remedies
4 Reasons You’re Waking Up at Night and The Possible Remedies
4 Reasons Why You Wake Up in The Middle of the Night, And How to Fix Them

Monday Jan 02, 2023

Sleep as The ULTIMATE Detox
Lack of enough sleep can lead to several health issues. It can also affect your mental and physical performance. While sleep is important for our health, it is also the ultimate detox. It helps us get rid of the toxins that build up in our bodies during the day and allows us to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Welcome to another amazing episode with your host Sabine Christelli. In today’s episode, Sabine Christelli discusses the importance of sleep detox and the effects of long-term poor sleep. Additionally, she explains how the brain detoxifies during good sleep.
Timestamps for the key highlights in the episode
[00:02] Introduction to the show
[00:53] What’s in for you in today’s episode; Sleep as the ultimate detox
[01:08] Effective ways to detox your body naturally
[02:13] The importance of sleep detox
[03:04] How does the brain detox during good sleep?
[04:53] The effects of long-term poor sleep
Notable Quotes
“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”~ Thomas Dekker [01:57]
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Monday Jan 02, 2023

Embracing Full Darkness & Silence for Better Sleep…Believe It or Not, This Actually Works!
It is irrefutable that darkness and silence are the keys to a good night’s sleep. The absence of light and sound has been shown to affect sleep quality significantly. Some people find it hard to sleep in complete darkness and silence. This is because our brains associate darkness with danger and silence with loneliness. That’s why some people sleep with their lights on or listen to music while sleeping.
In this incredible episode, Sabine Christelli explains some of the possible the causes of anxiety at night and why we become anxious when we are in too much silence. Moreover, she shares tips to help you overcome anxiety associated with full darkness & silence and how to break  unconscious poor sleeping habits. 
Tune in for amazing insights!
Timestamps for the key highlights in the episode
[00:02] Introduction to the episode
[00:53] Today’s focus; Embracing full darkness and silence for better sleep
[02:30] Causes of anxiety at night and how it impacts our sleep quality
[05:04] Why we become anxious when we are in too much silence 
[06:07] Tips to help you overcome anxiety associated with full darkness & silence to
  get better quality sleep
[08:27] How to break unconscious poor sleeping habits
Notable Quotes
“Falling asleep is a full surrender. And the safer we feel, the better our sleep will be.” [03:00]
“The unconscious mind is programmed to keep you safe, and it is not rational. Until you update that program or belief, it will run that old program endlessly.” [07:29]
                 Don’t forget to Subscribe, Rate, Review, Like, and Share!
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Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Show-notes coming up! 

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Shownotes coming up! 

Episode 5: Reset Your Day

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Thursday Dec 01, 2022

5 Minute Reset Meditation Practice 
We often feel overwhelmed or stressed in our daily lives because we have too many things on our to-do lists. It’s crucial to find the time to take care of yourself.
Focusing on your well-being will help you be more productive and happy. When we are overwhelmed in the course of our daily activities, it can be challenging to find the time to practice meditation at this moment, and this is where the five-minute reset meditation practice comes in handy.
This five-minute reset meditation practice is designed to help you get more out of your next few hours with greater ease and joy. Taking a break for a few minutes significantly impacts your ability to create the next few hours with intention, clarity, focus, and directed energy, thus helping you be more productive.
You can practice the five-minute reset meditation practice with the following simple steps.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn the following;
[00:15] The purpose of the 5min reset meditation practice[00:32] How to practice the reset meditation exercise in simple steps[01:15] #1 Remove all possible distractions and sit down by yourself[01:32] #2 Allow yourself to feel the support of the chair you are sitting on[01:39] #3 Gently close your eyes, allowing your eyelids to become heavy & relaxed[01:48] #4 Take three deep breaths by slowly inhaling through the nose while letting your belly expand with air and gently pause[02:01] #5 As you exhale through your nose, let your belly relax and drop your shoulders down into gravity and relax[02:47] #6 Continue to softly and deeply breathe in and out through your nose and allow your whole face to soften now[03:21] #7 As you breathe in and out slowly, relax your neck muscles[03:28] #8 Let your shoulders relax more and more, and allow the right upper arm and the right lower arm to relax[03:43] #9 Allow the relaxation to flow through into your right hand down into your fingers[04:06] #10 Now allow the left upper arm to drop down into gravity and relax[04:24] #11 Feel that relaxation flow down through the left hand, making your fingers relax[04:46] #12 Feel the relaxation flow down your chest, allowing the breath to become easier and easier for you now[04:56] #13 Feel the relaxation flowing down into your belly, making it so soft[05:04] #14 Feel it flowing down through your hips relaxing, and down into your thighs as it flows out into the right and left thighs[05:21] #15 Feel this relaxation flow through both kneecaps and into both tops of the feet, the heels, soles of the feet, and all the way to your toes[06:12] #16 Finish the exercise with three energising and activating breaths
Notable Quotes● “In a relaxation phase, you are actually in the genius zone. You are moreproductive, clear, and effective.” [06:00]
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Thursday Dec 01, 2022

Tips to Discover the Best Ways To Get  Your Ultimate Sleep
Everyone knows that a good night's sleep is essential for our health, but many of us still don't get enough of it. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, the average person sleeps six and a half hours per night, and that's not enough!
We need full seven-to-nine hours of sleep every night to stay healthy and keep our minds sharp. Not getting enough sleep can lead to weight gain, memory loss, increased risk of depression, and even death.
So how can we get more sleep? In this episode, Sabine, the podcast host, shares tips on how to make the most out of your sleep and discover ways to harness the gifts of healthy, rejuvenating sleep. She also explains a visualization practice to help you with sleep. Tune in to learn more!
[00:18] Principles of sleep hygiene
[00:55] General sleep hygiene consideration
[01:22] 1# Setting a sleeping routine
[01:46] 2# Setting a sleeping ritual
[02:09] 3# Reducing your intake and influence of stimulants
[02:32] 4# Reducing stress
[02:51] 5# Exercising in the morning and during the evening
[03:26] 6# Limiting electronics in the evening
[03:41] 7# Getting the blue light blockers
[03:58] 8# Getting good morning and evening sunlight
[04:16] 9# Keeping your bedroom a sanctuary
[04:55] 10# Choosing natural fibers and fabrics for your bedding and clothing
[05:19] 11# Journaling what you are grateful for
[05:57] 12# Infrared sauna
[06:00] 13# Herbal tea
[06:15] 14# Meditation to calm down
[06:41] 15# A hot shower before bed
Notable quotes:
“Going to bed at the same time every night can program you and help you make the most out of your sleep.”
“Getting good morning and evening sunlight onto your eyes and skin can help set your circadian rhythm and help you fall asleep in the evening.”
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Sleep Easy

“As important as it is to have a plan for doing work, it is perhaps more important to have a plan for rest, relaxation,

self-care, and sleep.”

-Akiroq Brost


“If you are not naturally waking up at sunrise,

then it is likely you have

some form of Circadian

Rhythm Disorder.”

-Steven Magee


“Timing your sleep is like timing an investment in the stock market – it doesn’t matter how much you invest; it matters when you invest.” (Renowned neurologist Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D.)

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